Creating Without the Cloths of Heaven

Who can draw upon anything comparable to the heavens’ embroidered cloths in their creativity?

And who can truly say that their creativity, in whatever context or capacity, isn’t necessary to create a meaningful, fulfilling life?

And so here we are, all paupers, challenged by our very existence as human beings to create lives of purpose, meaning and fulfilment through our contributions…

… treading on the dreams of others that are spread out beneath our feet along the way.

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The Greatest Influencer: Love.

Does it matter how ‘right’ we are if those we’re trying to influence don’t feel loved or at least cared for to some degree?

Can we be truly effective in inspiring change in others without love?

Even if we had the power to force change in others through physical might, could we ever truly bring about change through coercion?

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Tom EnglishComment
People Don't Belong in Boxes.

Beyond the scope of personality tests, it’s tempting to apply boxes and labels to ourselves and others in several aspects of life; they’re simple, give an impression of clarity, and encourage us to make quick judgments about people. But whereas boxes might be simple, congruous and neatly packaged together, people tend not to be. If we rely too heavily on boxes in assessing ourselves and others, they can hinder personal growth and become problematic to relationships with others, stripping away the richness and nuance of individual character and personality, perhaps leading to damning stereotypes and unflattering caricatures. At best, a box is a default not a destiny.

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Tom EnglishComment
Even if God does have His Hell, what better way is there to live?

We are certainly seeing an abundance of iniquity today as the horrors of (Putin’s) Russia’s assault on Ukraine are all too evident.

How will we respond to this and other challenges that may be closer to home?

Will we choose hardness or numbness?

Or will we choose to serve who and how we can within our circumstances and means?

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Marcelo Bielsa: The Anti-Narcissist.

In spite of an abrupt ending to his tenure as Head Coach, Marcelo Bielsa has cemented himself in Leeds United folklore.

That is in no small part due to the values that he lived by – as a man and in his work.

In a world full of narcissistic leadership, Bielsa is an anti-narcissist.

These are a few of my reflections from Bielsa’s time at Leeds United.

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3 Mantras (reminders) for Tough Times.

I was about to clear my whiteboard, but felt prompted to share something on it that has been invaluable to me in not only surviving but thriving in challenging times: three mantras.

These mantras (or phrases) have been invaluable in grounding me and setting my course right each and every morning.

They serve as valuable reminders.

Please share this with someone who may need them.

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Real Clear Values – Summarising an Exceptional Season!

Season 2 of the Real Clear Values podcast is now complete…

And what a season it was.

For a first season of guest interviews, I couldn’t be happier with the calibre of guests and quality of conversations!

This is a summary of what we covered.

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To Make Progress, Forgive.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” – Lewis B. Smedes

Forgiveness is essential for personal, familial and societal progress.

I published this article four years ago to the day on LinkedIn and it resonated with a lot of people.

I feel that it’s even more relevant today.

Forgiveness is well worthy of consideration as we enter into a new year.

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Learning from Books is Valuable. But Your Most Powerful Learning (and Growth) will come through Deliberate Engagement with Daily Experiences.

Over the past three years:

I’ve learned more about the the limitations of rationality and reason – there’s so much that we don’t know;

I’ve learned more about the necessity of faith-based action – you don’t know what you’re truly capable of without putting your best foot forward;

And I’ve learned more about how great things can be brought to pass through small and simple means.

Read, don’t rend, your books.

But always bear in mind that your most powerful learning and growth will come through your deliberate engagement with your daily experiences.

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History Needs to be Objective for the Benefit of All.

Those who seek to use history as a means of accusing figures and institutions of wrongdoing in the past, for which those in the present must endlessly atone, are wrongheaded.

Not only does their plight fan the bitter flames of contention and resentment, it also produces substandard history, which means substandard learning to take forward for better outcomes for all.

What we need for the benefit of all is objective history, not politically-charged accusatory history.

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Everything, Ultimately, Depends on the Quality of the Individual.

“Ultimately everything depends on the quality of the individual, but the fatally shortsighted habit of our age is to think only in terms of large numbers and mass organizations…” – Carl Jung

The time has come for each individual to step into their true identity, beyond the mass, and discover the role that they are to play in their communities and societies, being guided by divine providence in the process.

For it is only individuals, not mass organisations or mobs, who are truly qualified to win hearts and minds in helping others to rise.

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Tom English
Don’t take it all on. You can’t afford to.

I recently reflected on the fact that if I donated money to every worthy cause that needs it, not only would I be flat broke but I’d also be in mountains of debt.

This financial analogy extends to the self as well.

Giving headspace, attention and care to every instance of suffering and injustice that pops up on a social feed or on the news may damage you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and perhaps even physically (they’re all connected).

You simply can’t afford to take on everything yourself.

Find a better way through the principle of stewardship.

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Level-up at Anytime (not just at graduation).

It’s the wrong time of year to be talking about graduations isn’t it?

But following what feels like graduations for two of my clients in consecutive weeks, it’s certainly got me thinking about what it means to graduate and level up…

If you want to level up well before the next graduation season then get in touch to see how 3 Stewardships mentoring might work for you.

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Do the Work That is Yours To Do (in spite of challenges).

It’s exciting to think about doing the work that you were put on this earth to do.

Most people can get a buzz off that.

But it’s less exciting to actually do that work in the midst of challenges and trials when you have every good reason to stop, or at least take a break.

I’m glad I carried on in spite of some disruptive challenges that I faced early this summer.

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Sufficiency, Not Excess, Leads to Sustainable Success.

Behind many people’s preoccupation with excessive effort and relentless achievement lies a belief that their self-worth is dependent on such – they’re only as good as their last numbers.

And the more stuff they accumulate, whether trophies or toys, the higher their inherent worth (or so the thinking goes).

They’ve believed one of the most powerful lies of western materialism, damaging themselves, their relationships and, ironically, limiting their medium to long-term contributions in the process.

Sustainable success requires sufficiency, not excess.

As Lao Tzu put it, “He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.”

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I'm a Son of God.

The market’s just tanked and your beloved start-up is a casualty.

You’re sat in the home office of a potential investor debriefing on the experience and its unfortunate ending.

What do you want him to say to you?

“Here’s a job!”

“Here’s some money to start again!”

The man I was speaking with said something more powerful than either of those things.

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