

I decided to enrol on the 3 Stewardships programme to gain an understanding of how to create a life of fulfilment and purpose from a mentor who has managed to find exultation from this same space.

I had spent the first 20 years of my life striving for external validation via self defeating behaviours such as perfectionism and endurism. I had achieved almost everything I thought I desired which society had been led me to believe would result in contentment and a sense of self worth. However, I found myself in the exact opposite situation, engrossed with strong feelings of apathy and purposelessness with nowhere else to turn.

Tom’s programme was the instigator for bringing forth a renaissance to new beliefs, value systems and a sense of identity. His teachings taught me a new way to live, moving past the illusions of self-aggrandisement and bringing my awareness to principles which create a life of meaning that is long-lasting.

What’s great about this programme is that it specialises in helping people with apathy, existential crises and being lost in life and provides PRACTICAL ways of overcoming this. Most therapists don’t outline the pillars of what creates a fulfilling, meaningful life and don’t have a plan or structure around this subject.

On this programme I developed a greater understanding of my level of satisfaction in different aspects of life, from self perception to relationships and working environment. With this awareness I was able to use Tom’s teachings to implement practical ways to achieve my new desires and manifest results in a short space of time. To complement my newly formed habits, this programme also taught me about certain philosophies and ethics which helped embed the foundations of a fulfilling lifestyle and set me on my path to finding my true life’s mission.
— Sam Partridge
Tom advocates and encourages a lifestyle based on values and principles specific to the individual. If you are looking to gain clarity on the best methods and ways to approach life, to better yourself and achieve your goals, I cannot recommend Tom highly enough.
The [3Stewardships] programme enabled me to gain a better understanding of the difference between values and principles and the ways to live my life in line with these. In doing so, this provided me with clarity on what type of person I wanted to be and how I can go about achieving this in every aspect of my life. The programme also enabled me the opportunity to reflect on myself and my ways of living in order to make the necessary changes where these ways were not adding value to my life or to helping me achieve my personal goals.
— Evan Sleeman
I have excellent experience working with Mr Tom English. Tom has a plethora of knowledge which throughout my sessions has helped me understand the wider picture. I’d highly recommend working with Tom, he is an exceptional mentor!
Tom has great listening skills, and a unique ability to tune into
’whatever is happening’ to be able to help someone think clearly about their aspirations, to create good habits, prioritise key aspects of life using his 3S framework (self, relationships, and contributions). I’ve made some big, and positive changes and will continue to do so, from changing careers to buying a home. There is a huge value in mentoring in each aspect of our life, I cannot highlight this enough. Tom is professional, kind, and friendly, whom I highly recommend to friends and family.
Thank you, Tom.
— Gary Miles
My [new job] offer is amazing news. I am really pleased. It was a goal for me when we started working together. Actually I recall it was only an idea. Now it is a positive reality!! Thank you for all your inspiration, great suggestions and support!!!
— Gary M
Your input, guidance and listening ear have helped me enormously from being stuck in the proverbial mud to taking the necessary steps that will help me live a life I will be happy to call my own.

Sessions are illuminating, engaging, and, most importantly, warm.

This isn’t a one-fit solution for everyone. The framework you’ve developed is malleable; it suits my specific situation. This has helped me understand the next steps to take to lead me forward.

Thank you for helping me become a better man.
— Edd Klesch
I started working with Tom at a time in my life when my circumstances had changed and I needed to adapt to a new routine, change in role and fitting all of that around my responsibilities as a husband and father.

The 3 Stewardships framework helped identify what I needed to concentrate on to make this transition without wrecking important relationships with people that matter most to me. I was able to achieve professional ceritification and make concrete moves in a new career direction under Tom’s guidance.

Tom helped me recognise that some of the things I thought I needed to do wouldn’t get me the peace and happiness I craved in the long run, and he used a variety of resources to help me break old habits and forge new ones.

I’ve been working with Tom for almost four months now, and I see our relationship continuing into the future. Tom’s 3 Stewardships framework, his mode of questioning and professionalism makes our time together incredibly impactful. I can’t get that from my wife, work colleagues or anyone else.
— Tom Warburton
Tom is a brilliant public speaker – morally grounded on a rock and firm with his convictions regarding stewardship and personal growth.

As a mentor Tom inspires positive change by empathy, kindness, and a clear communication style. His standout skill is listening, his framework helps you articulate what’s meaningful to you, and his abundance-mindset approach helps you take responsibility for yourself and others.

I was undergoing a redundancy at one point which seemed daunting to me at the time; Tom’s mentorship was invaluable as it helped me take steps forwards with practical advice, encouraging me with regular calls and keeping me oriented towards my goals.
— Varun Madhukara
I’ve known Tom as a public speaker for a few years now. Tom speaks with contagious conviction about matters he truly believes in. His speeches inspire and empower the audience and have often left me with new perspectives or a new-found conviction. I recently had the opportunity to work with Tom as a mentor.
As a mentor I found Tom to be generous and resourceful. He was willing to talk about his own experiences and has a great deal of knowledge which strongly supports his desire to help. During our sessions Tom’s careful listening bounced back to me some of my unhelpful subconscious beliefs, bringing me clarity. We started the journey with my confusion and Tom’s questions. By the end of our sessions, Tom’s mentoring had given me clarity and empowered me to discover answers within myself. It was an extremely enriching experience and I am going to make the most of it in the days to come.
— Kamalika Sengupta
For the last three years, I have been fortunate to be associated with Tom English, an expert leadership mentor focusing on values, stewardship and personal transformation for sustainable success; he empowers leaders to rediscover and focus with refreshing clarity on their guiding values so they can better meet the needs of the people they serve.

I can endorse few people as highly or as worthy of investment in order to put your organisation - and yourself - back in touch with the values and sense of stewardship that will lead to an increase in productivity, growth in business and strengthening of relationships.
— Simon Day
Tom English is definitely one of the people I am willing to travel to listen to. He is an interesting combination of authenticity and gentleness of soul. It is this awareness of others, his compassion, knowledge and expertise that gives him great strength of character. This strength of character enables him to challenge, to guide and support those with whom he works. Tom is a fascinating and engaging speaker. His leadership helps others explore, discover and develop strengths that will enhance individuals and business organisations. His integrity and professionalism is outstanding.
— Lynn Gregory
Tom English is a highly original speaker with an authoritative presence and a direct style of communication that leaves each member of his audience feeling that they have been spoken to at a personal level.

He speaks eloquently and with authority on business and professional themes, but is equally at home with broader questions of moral, social, or political relevance. Tom always has a view, and is prepared to offer and justify it without ever resorting to pushing or preaching, combining this with a very clear tolerance of the viewpoints of others.

It’s this which makes him such a compellingly interesting speaker to listen to. All who hear him will learn something, will find their views challenged and extended, and will be treated with respect. He is a speaker whom I would go out of my way to hear.
— Peter Millen
Our thanks to Tom for his webinar on Sustainable Success in Sales. His content was informative, relatable, and well-presented.
Additionally, his delivery was engaging and clear and helped give the viewer a different perspective.
— Institute of Sales Professionals
Thank you for your insights, you are very blessed with your mentoring talent. I’ve shared the learning with my wife and children this evening and looking forward to putting a number of these into practice.
— James Hastings
I feel like I’ve just been born!
— Alex Stowe