Posts tagged self leadership
Level-up at Anytime (not just at graduation).

It’s the wrong time of year to be talking about graduations isn’t it?

But following what feels like graduations for two of my clients in consecutive weeks, it’s certainly got me thinking about what it means to graduate and level up…

If you want to level up well before the next graduation season then get in touch to see how 3 Stewardships mentoring might work for you.

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How can Britain help its former prime ministers to stay out of trouble?

How can Britain help its former prime ministers to stay out of trouble?

An odd question, perhaps, but one that was recently answered by The Economist newspaper in view of David Cameron’s involvement with now collapsed Greensill Capital.

According to The Economist, the answer is for the state to give former prime ministers a purpose and a pension when they leave office.

But can’t those who have been trusted to govern the country be trusted to govern their own lives after office?

I have another idea.

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The Transformational Power of Repentance.

What feels worse than knowing you’re on the wrong path, selling yourself short, heading in the wrong direction and that you’ve got no one to blame but yourself?

Thankfully, repentance empowers transformation.

Far from requiring a person to wallow in shame and remorse, repentance encourages people to use those negative feelings to good effect as powerful stimuli for meaningful and lasting change.

Repentance is a habit that empowers me to live in a state of continuous transformation.

Through it, I am able to learn more, do more and be more, reaching new heights along the way.

It’s a truly incredible principle – a key that will never rust.

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Correct Principles Cannot Be Destroyed. And they don’t care what your values are.

In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche railed against Judeo-Christian morality.

He advocated for a shattering of ‘the old law-tables’.

But Nietzsche’s call to arms was in vain – principles cannot be destroyed.

And principles should not be confused with values.

How, though, in a noisy, chaotic and contentious world can we determine which principles we should live by?

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To be Mentored is to be Empowered.

To be mentored means to be guided by one who knows the road ahead.

To be mentored means to be the hero of your own story, taking strides forward that you never previously thought possible.

Ultimately, to be mentored is to be empowered.

Whether relating to trapped penguins, future Jedi, or yourself on your own path to becoming a better version of you, empowerment means having the principles and tools to hand to take the next steps forward.

And as those steps are taken, the mentee will slay their dragons and find their gold.

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