Posts tagged contribution
Don’t take it all on. You can’t afford to.

I recently reflected on the fact that if I donated money to every worthy cause that needs it, not only would I be flat broke but I’d also be in mountains of debt.

This financial analogy extends to the self as well.

Giving headspace, attention and care to every instance of suffering and injustice that pops up on a social feed or on the news may damage you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and perhaps even physically (they’re all connected).

You simply can’t afford to take on everything yourself.

Find a better way through the principle of stewardship.

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Do the Work That is Yours To Do (in spite of challenges).

It’s exciting to think about doing the work that you were put on this earth to do.

Most people can get a buzz off that.

But it’s less exciting to actually do that work in the midst of challenges and trials when you have every good reason to stop, or at least take a break.

I’m glad I carried on in spite of some disruptive challenges that I faced early this summer.

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