Posts tagged values
Creating Without the Cloths of Heaven

Who can draw upon anything comparable to the heavens’ embroidered cloths in their creativity?

And who can truly say that their creativity, in whatever context or capacity, isn’t necessary to create a meaningful, fulfilling life?

And so here we are, all paupers, challenged by our very existence as human beings to create lives of purpose, meaning and fulfilment through our contributions…

… treading on the dreams of others that are spread out beneath our feet along the way.

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Even if God does have His Hell, what better way is there to live?

We are certainly seeing an abundance of iniquity today as the horrors of (Putin’s) Russia’s assault on Ukraine are all too evident.

How will we respond to this and other challenges that may be closer to home?

Will we choose hardness or numbness?

Or will we choose to serve who and how we can within our circumstances and means?

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Marcelo Bielsa: The Anti-Narcissist.

In spite of an abrupt ending to his tenure as Head Coach, Marcelo Bielsa has cemented himself in Leeds United folklore.

That is in no small part due to the values that he lived by – as a man and in his work.

In a world full of narcissistic leadership, Bielsa is an anti-narcissist.

These are a few of my reflections from Bielsa’s time at Leeds United.

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Real Clear Values – Summarising an Exceptional Season!

Season 2 of the Real Clear Values podcast is now complete…

And what a season it was.

For a first season of guest interviews, I couldn’t be happier with the calibre of guests and quality of conversations!

This is a summary of what we covered.

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To Make Progress, Forgive.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” – Lewis B. Smedes

Forgiveness is essential for personal, familial and societal progress.

I published this article four years ago to the day on LinkedIn and it resonated with a lot of people.

I feel that it’s even more relevant today.

Forgiveness is well worthy of consideration as we enter into a new year.

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Level-up at Anytime (not just at graduation).

It’s the wrong time of year to be talking about graduations isn’t it?

But following what feels like graduations for two of my clients in consecutive weeks, it’s certainly got me thinking about what it means to graduate and level up…

If you want to level up well before the next graduation season then get in touch to see how 3 Stewardships mentoring might work for you.

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Sufficiency, Not Excess, Leads to Sustainable Success.

Behind many people’s preoccupation with excessive effort and relentless achievement lies a belief that their self-worth is dependent on such – they’re only as good as their last numbers.

And the more stuff they accumulate, whether trophies or toys, the higher their inherent worth (or so the thinking goes).

They’ve believed one of the most powerful lies of western materialism, damaging themselves, their relationships and, ironically, limiting their medium to long-term contributions in the process.

Sustainable success requires sufficiency, not excess.

As Lao Tzu put it, “He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.”

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Striding Forward with the Real Clear Values Podcast.

I recently heard from a credible source that the average podcast only lasts seven episodes.

The Real Clear Values podcast is already past the seven episode mark with several more in the pipeline featuring some genuinely world class guests.

The podcast is a conversation about values: what we want, why we want it and how we go about getting it.

Join me for what promises to be a great ride.

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America, Celebrate Your Independence Day. But Please Don’t Take Freedom for Granted.

Just two days ago, I had an eye-opening conversation with Ronald Beiner, Political Scientist at Toronto University, for the Real Clear Values podcast.

Beiner’s work on the return of the far-right is a stark reminder that we simply cannot take the freedoms that we enjoy for granted.

Tackling racism and extremist ideologies isn’t just a matter of education; it’s a matter of values.

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The Value of Sacred Spaces.

Two experiences at the end of this week reminded me of the value of regularly visiting sacred spaces in a noisy world.

Sacred spaces don’t only enable us to get results in a spiritual context, but in all aspects of life.

What’s more is that we don’t have to rely on our proximity to abbeys, cathedrals or other places of worship to visit sacred spaces; we can create our own.

If you take the time to do so earnestly, and visit often, then you may find a much needed oasis.

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My Dad Taught Me Stewardship Through How He Lives His Life.

This Father’s Day I’m more than 300 miles away from my dad.

The distance gave me an added sense of responsibility to write something meaningful in his card.

I’m glad that I took the relatively small amount of time to do so.

It made me appreciate the role that my dad played, through how he lives his life, in teaching me the principle of stewardship.

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The Challenge of Finding Spiritual Connection in a Disconnected World.

How do you reconnect spiritually in a materialistic world full of distractions, temptations and challenges?

This was the challenge that I faced as I made the transition from missionary to university student.

Reflecting on my values journey has been a rewarding part of creating the Real Clear Values podcast.

It’s reminded me just how difficult it can be to live in harmony with values that support continuous spiritual connection.

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Reflecting on Stories from Madagascar.

If you were to tell a story about your values, how would it go?

When I decided to launch the Real Clear Values podcast on the good, the bad and the ugly of human values, I decided that it should start with the story (or stories) of my own values.

I’ve just finished the first tranche of those stories from my time as a missionary in Madagascar.

Reflecting on what was learned from that experience has been enjoyable and valuable for me, but, more importantly, I hope that it will be valuable for others.

There’s plenty more to come, not least interviews with some exceptional guests.

And you’re welcome to join the journey.

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Doing Corporate Governance Right with Nell Minow.

Nell Minow has been described in the Financial Times as “doyenne of the US corporate governance movement”.

BusinessWeek has called her the "the queen of good corporate governance".

She co-authored the book Power and Accountability with Robert Monks, which was hailed as essential reading for anyone interested in corporate governance by legendary management thinker Peter Drucker.

And this week it was my honour and privilege to interview her on the Real Clear Values podcast.

Nell’s generosity, passion and insight in coming on the show make for a value-packed podcast episode on the ins and outs of corporate governance.

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How My Mother’s Care Saved Me (in at least two ways).

When I was three years old, I was lured into a dangerous situation by a neighbour.

It was my mum’s uncompromising care that saved me from that situation.

And it was her uncompromising care that ensured that I wouldn’t be caught off guard malign influences as I grew older.

Nothing exemplifies Stewardship like a mother’s love for her child.

Stewardship of this magnitude is essential in a world full of distractions, temptations and challenges.

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Nobody Needs Judgment. But Everybody Needs Clarity.

Nobody Needs Judgment. But Everybody Needs Clarity.

This is especially true in a world full of distractions, temptations and challenges.

We need clarity on what we’re choosing to reject if we’re to make a meaningful decision about what to espouse.

These choices have a significant impact on our outcomes.

My purpose isn’t to judge, just to clarify.

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Lust for Sex as Anti-Stewardship.

The temptation of gratuitous sex is ubiquitous, especially in a world of online apps and sites.

Whether or not we succumb to that temptation is highly consequential, however; not only for ourselves but also for others (perhaps more than we might think).

Whilst the desire for sex can be powerful, it does not inherently enslave us or take away our choice.

Ultimately, the choice is simple: Stewardship or Anti-Stewardship?

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