Posts tagged purpose
Creating Without the Cloths of Heaven

Who can draw upon anything comparable to the heavens’ embroidered cloths in their creativity?

And who can truly say that their creativity, in whatever context or capacity, isn’t necessary to create a meaningful, fulfilling life?

And so here we are, all paupers, challenged by our very existence as human beings to create lives of purpose, meaning and fulfilment through our contributions…

… treading on the dreams of others that are spread out beneath our feet along the way.

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Do the Work That is Yours To Do (in spite of challenges).

It’s exciting to think about doing the work that you were put on this earth to do.

Most people can get a buzz off that.

But it’s less exciting to actually do that work in the midst of challenges and trials when you have every good reason to stop, or at least take a break.

I’m glad I carried on in spite of some disruptive challenges that I faced early this summer.

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I'm a Son of God.

The market’s just tanked and your beloved start-up is a casualty.

You’re sat in the home office of a potential investor debriefing on the experience and its unfortunate ending.

What do you want him to say to you?

“Here’s a job!”

“Here’s some money to start again!”

The man I was speaking with said something more powerful than either of those things.

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Striding Forward with the Real Clear Values Podcast.

I recently heard from a credible source that the average podcast only lasts seven episodes.

The Real Clear Values podcast is already past the seven episode mark with several more in the pipeline featuring some genuinely world class guests.

The podcast is a conversation about values: what we want, why we want it and how we go about getting it.

Join me for what promises to be a great ride.

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How can Britain help its former prime ministers to stay out of trouble?

How can Britain help its former prime ministers to stay out of trouble?

An odd question, perhaps, but one that was recently answered by The Economist newspaper in view of David Cameron’s involvement with now collapsed Greensill Capital.

According to The Economist, the answer is for the state to give former prime ministers a purpose and a pension when they leave office.

But can’t those who have been trusted to govern the country be trusted to govern their own lives after office?

I have another idea.

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The Challenge of Creating a Life of Purpose in a World of Boundless Choice.

As I think back to my 21 year-old self, newly returned from missionary life in Madagascar, I have compassion.

My falling into the hedonism trap (and its ensuing nihilism) was inevitable in the environment and context that I was in.

A reckoning had to be had at some point – I had to make some big decisions.

Since escaping the hedonism trap, I’ve created a mentoring program to empower others to create lives of purpose, meaning and fulfilment for their own version of sustainable success.

The abyss of purposelessness is deep, though it can be escaped.

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Becoming an Instrument in the Lord's Hands

A week ago on Sunday I was asked to give a talk at the LDS ward that I attend. The following morning, I spontaneously awoke an hour earlier than usual and had several scriptural references and themes brought to mind. It was as though the talk was being given to me sequentially, line-by-line. I got up and wrote it all down on a piece of paper.

This blog includes a recording of that talk.

The core message is simple: We are all sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father who has unique work for each of us to do.

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