I'm a Son of God.

The market’s just tanked and your beloved start-up is a casualty.

You’re sat in the home office of a potential investor debriefing on the experience and its unfortunate ending.

What do you want him to say to you?

“Here’s a job!”

“Here’s some capital to start again!”

The man I was speaking with said something more powerful than either of those things.

Something that transcends material wealth and entrepreneurial opportunity.

Something that empowers a person to transcend survival mode and overcome any sense of victimhood.

Noticing my deflated manner, he made a sudden declaration, “I’m a son of God!”

It was quite out of the blue and sounded somewhat grandiloquent at the time, but it was the best thing that I could have heard.

Since that day, over ten years ago, I’ve grown a deeper knowledge of my own identity as a son of God.

It supersedes and transcends all other identities and statuses that may be attributed to me.

When you are a son or daughter of God, you cannot be a victim for too long – life is happening for you, not to you. You’re blessed to learn from a tailor-made curriculum.

When you are a son or daughter of God, there’s more to life than survival, reproduction and pleasure – you have a purpose to fulfil and a contribution to make.

When you are a son or daughter of God, you see beyond the banality and materialism of quotidian life – you see into eternity.

And so I remind myself who I am every single day.

I’m a son of God.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

– 1 Corinthians 2:9

If you would like to create a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment for your own pursuit of sustainable success then drop me a line: tom@3stewardships.com.