Posts tagged mentor
Do the Work That is Yours To Do (in spite of challenges).

It’s exciting to think about doing the work that you were put on this earth to do.

Most people can get a buzz off that.

But it’s less exciting to actually do that work in the midst of challenges and trials when you have every good reason to stop, or at least take a break.

I’m glad I carried on in spite of some disruptive challenges that I faced early this summer.

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Reconnecting With God. (What I didn’t mention in my TEDx Talk.)

It was undoubtedly one of the most pivotal evenings of my life.

The evening after feeling the full brunt of my realisation that I was living a nihilistic life will be etched into my memory forever.

Whilst the darkness that I’d been living with reached its nadir on the Saturday, Sunday was a day of unparalleled and near instantaneous redemption.

This is the part of my transformation story that I didn’t mention in my TEDx Talk.

And it’s vital.

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Nobody Needs Judgment. But Everybody Needs Clarity.

Nobody Needs Judgment. But Everybody Needs Clarity.

This is especially true in a world full of distractions, temptations and challenges.

We need clarity on what we’re choosing to reject if we’re to make a meaningful decision about what to espouse.

These choices have a significant impact on our outcomes.

My purpose isn’t to judge, just to clarify.

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To be Mentored is to be Empowered.

To be mentored means to be guided by one who knows the road ahead.

To be mentored means to be the hero of your own story, taking strides forward that you never previously thought possible.

Ultimately, to be mentored is to be empowered.

Whether relating to trapped penguins, future Jedi, or yourself on your own path to becoming a better version of you, empowerment means having the principles and tools to hand to take the next steps forward.

And as those steps are taken, the mentee will slay their dragons and find their gold.

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