Posts tagged Real Clear Values
Real Clear Values – Summarising an Exceptional Season!

Season 2 of the Real Clear Values podcast is now complete…

And what a season it was.

For a first season of guest interviews, I couldn’t be happier with the calibre of guests and quality of conversations!

This is a summary of what we covered.

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Striding Forward with the Real Clear Values Podcast.

I recently heard from a credible source that the average podcast only lasts seven episodes.

The Real Clear Values podcast is already past the seven episode mark with several more in the pipeline featuring some genuinely world class guests.

The podcast is a conversation about values: what we want, why we want it and how we go about getting it.

Join me for what promises to be a great ride.

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America, Celebrate Your Independence Day. But Please Don’t Take Freedom for Granted.

Just two days ago, I had an eye-opening conversation with Ronald Beiner, Political Scientist at Toronto University, for the Real Clear Values podcast.

Beiner’s work on the return of the far-right is a stark reminder that we simply cannot take the freedoms that we enjoy for granted.

Tackling racism and extremist ideologies isn’t just a matter of education; it’s a matter of values.

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The Challenge of Finding Spiritual Connection in a Disconnected World.

How do you reconnect spiritually in a materialistic world full of distractions, temptations and challenges?

This was the challenge that I faced as I made the transition from missionary to university student.

Reflecting on my values journey has been a rewarding part of creating the Real Clear Values podcast.

It’s reminded me just how difficult it can be to live in harmony with values that support continuous spiritual connection.

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Reflecting on Stories from Madagascar.

If you were to tell a story about your values, how would it go?

When I decided to launch the Real Clear Values podcast on the good, the bad and the ugly of human values, I decided that it should start with the story (or stories) of my own values.

I’ve just finished the first tranche of those stories from my time as a missionary in Madagascar.

Reflecting on what was learned from that experience has been enjoyable and valuable for me, but, more importantly, I hope that it will be valuable for others.

There’s plenty more to come, not least interviews with some exceptional guests.

And you’re welcome to join the journey.

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