Striding Forward with the Real Clear Values Podcast.

I have a new favourite hobby: podcasting. Having started my journey as a podcaster telling stories from my own values journey, I quite recently started interviewing guests for the show.

(It’s probably a good thing that it’s something I genuinely enjoy, as I recently heard from a trusted source that the average podcast only lasts seven episodes.)

The podcast, Real Clear Values, which focuses on all aspects of values (the good, the bad and the ugly), gives me an ideal platform through which to have conversations with many different experts in many different fields and walks of life.

Before I started interviewing guests on the show, I wondered who might be interested in talking to me besides friends and existing contacts. My wondering would only be resolved by inviting people beyond those known parameters.

Having recently purchased Power and Accountability, a corporate governance classic by Robert Monks and Nell Minow (recommended by the late Peter Drucker no less), I stumbled across Nell’s profile on Goodreads and had a distinct prompting to invite her to talk with me on the podcast. To be sure that she would get my invitation, I contacted her on LinkedIn.

In less than 30 minutes of having messaged her, she sent me the following reply, “Sure!  I'm on east coast time in the US. What works for you?” I was amazed at the rapidity of Nell’s acceptance. Game on!

Nell’s contribution on the call itself was outstanding and everything about the process from my side – preparing, interviewing and editing – was a pleasure. This first interview set a very high bar for future episodes – I hadn’t imagined that my first ever guest would be someone of Nell’s calibre. I look forward to releasing the episode in the coming weeks.

Genuine Interest

My experience with Nell was a catalyst to reach out to other potential guests on my wish list. Despite not having finished my first season of stories yet, I’ve now interviewed four other guests, all of which are of remarkably high calibre. (One guest even remarked that Nell is a hero of his.)

Of those I’ve invited thus far only one has declined. The pipeline of future guests who I have yet to interview is exciting – each promises to make a unique and valuable contribution to the show.

As I’ve rewatched the interviews with those I’ve spoken with thus far, I’ve noticed that the most commonly used word I say is ‘interesting’. That isn’t a vain repetition or filler word; it’s a genuine expression of my fascination with the insight that each guest brings to the table.

Values: Ends and Means

The topic of values is an excellent fit for the work I do as a mentor – so much of how we live our lives and conduct our business depends on our values. And when I say values, I’m not talking about vacuous statements on corporate websites; I’m talking about what we want, why we want it and how we go about getting it.

Values concern both ends and means. Both matter – to the individual, the family, the community and the society.

This gives me an endless number of conversations to have in various contexts, particularly in view of my cause to promote stewardship for sustainable success.

I’m starting with big picture conversations, though naturally they tend come back to individuals and their beliefs. Ultimately, that’s what values are: beliefs.

If you would like to join me on the journey, then please subscribe to the Real Clear Values podcast through the links below.

Take it from me, it’s going to be a great ride – I certainly don’t see it being displaced as my favourite hobby anytime soon. I’ve already passed the seven episode mark, so that at least bodes well for the future.

Tune In

You can listen and subscribe to the Real Clear Values podcast through the following platforms:

And more

Finally, if you have any recommendations of who I should invite as a guest to the Real Clear Values podcast to talk about values – the good, the bad and the ugly – at individual, organisational and societal levels then feel free to drop me a line:

And, as always, if you would like to create a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment for your own pursuit of sustainable success then drop me a line at the same address.