I will never give up; I will never quit.

I’ve spoken about the transformational impact that my mentor, Mike, had on my life several times.

Something I haven’t mentioned as much is the process of personal transformation.

Personal transformation isn’t a one-time event – it’s a process.

Sometimes it’s an immensely challenging process at that.

It requires habits of repentance and forgiveness – forgiveness of self as well as others.

At one point when I was struggling within the transformation process, feeling disheartened about setbacks along the way, Mike shared the following inspired words to give me both the encouragement and direction that I needed to continue making progress:

I will never give up

I will never quit

When I fall, I will fall forward

And I will always pause on my knees before I get back up again.

Mike told me that those words were given to him by God when he was struggling on his own path several years before working with me on mine. (See my recent video on this.)

I love that they’re grounded in reality (we’re all going to fall at some point) and that they give hope for something greater: redemption.

When we commit to making repentance a regular habit then both redemption and transformation will be regular outcomes.

Something else Mike told me during our mentoring sessions: It will be worth it in the end.

Keep going.

And never give up.

If you would like to create a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment for your own pursuit of sustainable success then drop me a line: tom@3stewardships.com.