Becoming an Instrument in the Lord's Hands

A week ago on Sunday I was asked to give a talk at the LDS ward that I attend. The following morning, I spontaneously awoke an hour earlier than usual and had several scriptural references and themes brought to mind. It was as though the talk was being given to me sequentially, line-by-line. I got up and wrote it all down on a piece of paper.

I gave the talk via Zoom on Sunday (28/02/21), convinced that someone needed to hear what I was directed to share. It’s not typical to share church talks in YouTube videos, not least because they’re not permitted to be recorded in church buildings. That said, I felt inclined to record it on my phone for personal reference and potentially for further distribution.

I’m not looking at the camera during the talk, because I was running Zoom on my MacBook. It’s quite an intense talk, too, which goes at a fairly frenetic pace. (I could perhaps have included a few more pauses, but time was limited!) And it was given to a religious audience. Nevertheless, I feel that there’s enough in it that is universally applicable to warrant sharing it with a broader audience.

The core message is simple: We are all sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father who has unique work for each of us to do.

Through faith, we can draw closer to Him and learn His will for us as unique individuals, regardless of the chaos and confusion within the world around us.

My hope is that those who watch the talk will derive some spiritual benefit from it.