Posts tagged success
Winning through Stewardship.

This time last year, I distinctly remember taking a long hard look at my sales strategy spreadsheet wondering who would buy in the midst of such disruption and uncertainty.

Now I’m reflecting on a year in which I exceeded my sales target by, perhaps, a record margin.

That is no accident.

If this reads like a sales brag in any way then I haven’t been clear enough.

My intention is to communicate a principle, stewardship, that is central to sustainable success.

I call it a key that will never rust.

And it applies to any job role and any industry.

Stewardship really is for sustainable success.

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Correct Principles Cannot Be Destroyed. And they don’t care what your values are.

In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche railed against Judeo-Christian morality.

He advocated for a shattering of ‘the old law-tables’.

But Nietzsche’s call to arms was in vain – principles cannot be destroyed.

And principles should not be confused with values.

How, though, in a noisy, chaotic and contentious world can we determine which principles we should live by?

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