Coming Soon: Real Clear Values Podcast

On Friday morning this week I recorded episode 1 of season 1 of my forthcoming podcast, Real Clear Values. I’ve long had the inclination to start a podcast to talk about values, a key area of focus within my mentoring practice, and now it’s finally happening.

I will actually be ‘late’ in launching according to my original plan, but, as the saying goes, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. It’s fair to say that there have been some significant diversions prior to this point. (Stories for another time, perhaps.) Now, however, things are lining up nicely for what promises to be a deep dive into human values at a personal level and within the organisational context.


Through the podcast, my intention is to explore which values help, and which values hinder, in the pursuit of success that’s both meaningful and sustainable. I also intend to have a lot of fun in the process. (Friday’s recording of episode 1 bodes well for that – loved it!)

The current roadmap for the podcast (assuming it doesn’t get laughed at from on high) as follows:

  • Season 1 will tell the story of my own values journey, or at least the main highlights, from a personal point of view, so listeners get some insight into where I’m coming from

  • Season 2 will tell the story of why I care so much about values in a business and organisational context – plenty of stories to share on that front!

  • Season 3 and beyond will include guests who I’ll chat with about values in relation to their lives, their organisations and areas of expertise – I can’t wait to get started with that! (I have a tantalising, and ambitious, wish list drawn up of who to speak with already…)

More information about the podcast launch will be posted on and my social channels shortly, but if you have any questions in the meantime or would like to recommend yourself or someone else to talk to me about values (the good, the bad and the ugly) then feel free to drop me a line: