Your Story: Your Values and Your Why.

Stories and storytelling are an inherent part of who we are as human beings. 

Humans have told each other stories for millennia; initially, around campfires and more recently through the internet and social media platforms.

We need stories.

Stories teach us about our ancestors who have gone before. In Madagascar, there’s a wonderful phrase used to describe traditions: lovan-tsofina. As a literal translation, it means “inheritance of the ears”.

Our stories teach us about each other – those we live with and come in contact with on a daily basis. They enable us to understand, empathise with, and love, each other.

Stories help us to make sense of the world, not just on an emotional level but also regarding the so-called ‘hard’ matters of business and financial performance. The best finance professionals are able to tell accurate and engaging stories of financial performance that are easily understood by stakeholders who aren’t finance professionals.

Crucially, stories are how we make sense of our own lives. Through record keeping and reflection, we can construct our own stories and find meaning and purpose in our lives. Those stories can help us to identify our highest values, finding our mission and purpose, our why.

I’ve recently taken some time to reflect on my stories. I’ve many to tell, but I’ve been particularly focused on my personal transformation story. My life has never been the same since. And it forms the bedrock of my mentoring business. It communicates why I set up the business, why I love the work I do and why being a mentor is my calling in life.

You can read it through the link.

I’d like to speak with anyone with whom my story resonates, particularly those who have become disconnected from their values, their best self and who may even have sleep-walked their way into hedonism, as I did. In a world full of distractions and temptations, it can be easily done.

If that resonates with you then please get in touch. If you think someone you know might benefit from a call then please pass on my details.

I’m also interested in hearing from those who have their own personal transformation stories to tell. Please share!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Tom English